
Daily Diaries

on The Hospital Story (“THS”)

In a world where the mundane and routine reign supreme, some ordinary folks dares to break the mold and live life to the fullest.  Comes “Dayology.Life,” a fun and heartwarming tale of the folks’ journey to find meaning and purpose in the everyday. With a style reminiscent of the great British humorist Mr. Bean, this satirical romp hope to make us all laughing and crying as our society’s everyday hero navigates the ups and downs of modern life. From the mundane to the extraordinary, “Dayology.Life” is a story of hope, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit.  Come together for this unforgettable human experience.

The Hospital Story, a story with untold twists and turns over the Yesteryears, unfolded with often indescribable words.   It provides a peek into the world of FAA, Hospital Billings, Bill 21 The LPA, a fake nurse, a CEO who sold fake masks and was fired within a year during the first wave of the pandemic, and many more untold stories.

All that takes a great Mr. Bean spirit to see through such many fogs. With that bumbling charm and innocent curiosity, our everyday hero navigates the ups and downs of modern life, bringing laughter and tears to all who follow his journey.”



關於醫院故事 (“THS”)

在一個平凡和常規至高無上的世界裡,一些普通人敢於打破常規,過上充實的生活。 “Dayology.Life”來了,這是一個有趣而溫馨的故事,講述了人們在日常生活中尋找意義和目的的旅程。這部諷刺嬉戲的風格讓人想起偉大的英國幽默家憨豆先生,希望在我們社會的日常英雄在現代生活的起起落落中航行時,讓我們所有人都歡笑和哭泣。從平凡到非凡,《Dayology.Life》是一個關於希望、毅力和人類精神力量的故事。 齊聚一堂,享受難忘的人類體驗。

醫院的故事,一個過去曲折的故事,以難以形容的文字展開。 它讓我們得以一窺美國聯邦航空局、比林斯醫院、第 21 號法案、LPA、假護士、在第一波大流行期間銷售假口罩並在一年內被解僱的首席執行官,以及更多不為人知的故事。



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